When before me only blank lines my eyes reveal
How can I relate what my heart does truly feel.
But as blank lines turn into verse
Each line I will mentally rehearse.
These eyes cannot capture the words that need be said
As Love is more than what is flowing through my head.
Love requires a heart that knows how to act and receive
For Love’s ebb and flow is for those who believe.
God being Love, He is the Divine Source
It is His Almighty Power that directs Love’s course.
He will direct you how to live in Love’s never ending flow
When it is His Son, Christ Jesus, that you come to know.
It is no coincident that miracles are a part of God’s love and
Because He wants so very much to become a active part of us.
Freely we must except His offer from above
For that is the only way we can experience His Love.
He will rescue you from the problems that harm
By holding you safely in His loving arms.
When to God you open you mind and then your heart
He will welcome you Home for you have done your part.
For that is all God want for us to do
Is seek Him and discover life anew.
When you prepare a place in your heart for God to stay
He will never leave unless you ask Him to go away.
So open your heart and make room for your King
And He will provide you with Love everlasting...
Message Carriers
The poet’s words are forged to break down barriers
Love is to become the message carriers.
In Love there is Power, indeed a Great Force
It derives Its Might from God, Its Eternal Source.
When evil and lies did become a part of the earthly scene
It caused a spark in the devils eye to gleam.
The devil is far more intelligent than you or I
So God will have to provide help if we are to get by.
He sent us His Love when He sent His Son
For it is only through Christ can this battle be won.
It is in Christ we must humbly reside
Live from the wound in His side.
For His shed Blood will wash us clean
And then again by Our Father we will be seen.
God has the Power to put satin in his place
So that we will never have to see his hideous face.
And as you listen to the words the poet will speak
Rest assured he will tell you, “It is Christ you must seek”
Our Lord is no stranger to us here down below
He has many messages He wants us to know.
For Our Lord has created Angels as messengers to be
They are to deliver His thoughts for us to see.
For if we are to understand the message God has for us
We must freely provide God with all our hopes and trust.
This is the only way to receive a message of His kind
Trusting in God requires opening your heart and mind.
God will send His angels in our time of need
But it must be the message not the messenger we heed.
Our Creator knows what is best for man
He sent His Son so we could love and understand.
Whenever an Angel delivers a message from above
You can absolutely be sure the message is, “Love”...
The most important step in life is to turn from sin
For with this one step a new life will begin.
Shadows from the past will be brought into the Light
No longer will you be know as a creature of the night.
Your eyes will be opened so your heart can see
All the beauty of which God has created you to be.
Humbling of the heart guarantees safe passage within
To be cleansed from the harmful affects of sin.
Forgiveness is immediate when we do confess
Without you My Dear Lord my life is a mess.
Christ can now act and stand with you
Because this is something you choose to do.
His Power, His Love, His Grace, and His Glory
Now blend together to become part of your life’s story.
He will show you how to walk tall and stand straight
He will lead you back to Heaven’s gate.
Then when it is your turn to come within
He will say “Enter” as my Blood has washed away your sin.
I did this all so that you would choose Me
So that together with Our Father we can spend Eternity.
God created us one and all
We remain His creation even after the fall.
His Spirit was breathed into each soul
It is His Love we are to behold.
For us to understand His kind of Love
We must seek His help from above.
Tainted love was never in His plan
This was a choice among angels and man.
His Love is perfect and will forever endure
For It is the only Love this kind of pure.
His perfect Love was sent in His Son
To be an example of how His will is to be done.
Tainted Love nailed Him to the cross
Showing once more how we are loss.
Even in death Christ showed us the way
With unconditional Love He did obey.
He rose from the dead to defeat our foe
And for us, God’s Love to come to know.
He showed this world to be a temporal thing
One designed to present us before our King.
And now when it becomes our turn to rise from the dead
With Christ’s Love we will have nothing to dread.
Being born as infants we can’t possibly understand
The world of Good and evil that awaits man.
As we live, learn, develop, and grow
Many things we will come to know.
We will know if we are safe, lonely or loss
And when we should seek the safety of the cross.
Where you are now only you can tell
If you are living in Heaven or hell.
If Christ Our Savior reigns in your heart
This means you have returned from the path you did depart.
But if you have no Savior to show you the Way
Humble your heart and in Christ name do pray.
Seek our Lord and confess your sin
Then open up your heart to let Him come in.
He will correct all the errors that you made
For your sins, the price has already been paid.
He will not punish, reprimand, or make you feel low
He will give you His Grace for your Spirit to grow.
It was Good and evil we were born into
The Good Shepherd will offer you to be born anew.
Just follow Him to the cross
For beyond that no souls are lost.
Ever question why God does Love you so
Is this anything you ever want to know?
To find this out you must call His name
And from all that distracts you must reframe.
In the quietness and still of your mind
This is where the answer you will find.
Listen to the soft and gentle reply
As Our Father speaks to you from on high.
He will say, “My child I Love you so
Come to Me and this you will know.
I created you to share in the Love I give
So that you and I can have but One life to live.
I reside now in the center of your heart
Look for Me there and Our life can start.
We are to share this life together with others
Treat ever living soul as a sister or brother.
Just look for Me for I am looking for you
So We can share One life as Two...”
As Christians we have but One thing to share
And that is the Love Christ left to our care.
Faithfully we will carry His Love in our heart
It will keep us from ever being apart.
Where Christ’s Love is, so is He
For this is how God created us to be.
United with Christ as a family of One
We owe everything to God’s only Son.
Christ came here to bridge the gap sin did cause
To unite us back under Our Father’s laws.
God did know we would need what Christ came to give
If we were ever to learn how to live.
Christ gave Himself as atonement for us all
So we would be free from man’s Original fall.
Now with Christ we are free from sin
As we except His offer of a new life to begin.
Free from the past and all that harms
Forever held in Christ’s Loving arms.
And now to show you how much we care
This is the same Love we offer you to share.
If we learn to listen with much intent
We can hear the songs that are Heaven sent.
They will sing of Praise; they will sing of Glory
They will unite our world to Heaven’s story.
Everlasting love will be the words to their song
Unity of how all of God’s creatures are to get along.
For that is the message that our Angels bring
It is our heart song to Our Savior we must sing.
And when our hearts are full of God’s Grace
We too will be worthy to gaze upon His face.
Each testimony has a story to tell
Of how yet another soul was saved from the fires of hell.
Our testimony speaks of a human life story
One transformed by God’s grace and glory.
Each soul saved is to God a delight
That is why no two stories are alike.
God created us as His children to be
But sin has separated Our Father from you and me.
Our testimony are the words we learned to say
That brought us back Home to God’s will to obey.
Our testimony contains words of Love from our heart
It speaks of the hurt and pain we endured while apart.
It shows the path from which we did stray
And how God’s Love did lead us back one day.
Our testimony admits to the world we were lost
But that we found God’s Love at the foot of the cross.
Our testimony tell how the heart has learned to trust again
For we have found Christ Jesus as our very best Friend.
Our testimony are words of Thanks to God up above
For sending Christ to reconnect us to His Love.
And most important of all our testimony is a Love story
One that shows that Christ deserves All Glory...
When this world presents you with unruly stress
There is a place you can seek out and find true rest.
It is in the 23RD Psalm that provides shelter from the storm
It is designed to bring about and maintain inner calm.
For in its words it provides a prayer of Hope
It teaches how with this world we are to cope.
Make God your leader and follow Him all the way
He will direct and guide you back to the path that you did stray.
He will provide nourishment and shelter as you proceed
His only request is that in His Word you take heed.
And when the journey’s end is in sight
You will be drawn into Christ’s Light.
From here you will for the first time see
The house He has prepared for you to spend Eternity.
A sinner though I am, a Child of God I became
Not through my own doings, but on the power of Jesus’ name.
The path here was long, lonely, and hard
But now Christ Jesus is my reward.
He lovingly sacrificed Himself to set me free
Now bound together We are throughout Eternity.
All my sins are forgiven and have parted from me
When I presented myself before my God to see.
Forgive me Lord for I am not a holy one
I am not even worthy to kneel before Your Son.
If it were not for His shed blood that washed me clean
I could not offer myself before You to be seen.
But I understand now the offer Christ has made
For this is what I offer You for when I have disobeyed.
Christ is the One who could make the Perfect sacrifice
For He is the only One who could return me to Paradise.
And if you ask in Christ Name
As for you He will do the same.
Fear of the Lord is wisdom’s source
She cannot be accosted by might or force.
Wisdom is a gift from God from above
It is a part of His all encompassing Love.
If you seek wisdom she will be found
For it’s in God’s Love she does abound.
Seek wisdom and she will make you wise
Her Truths and Beauty will open your eyes.
To seek wisdom you must stand up from your fall
For while falling wisdom does you no good at all.
Wisdom is found when we rise above this Earth
She is what ushers us in our acceptance of a new birth.
For what wisdom offers she will freely give
To provide substance for your soul to live.
For when we realize we have an immortal soul
Seeking Christ’s offers will become our only goal...
Respect of self begins by giving God what is due
This will begin the process of God returning your self respect to
Every heart beat, every breathe, every bit of your Love
Is a unique and freely gift from God up above.
So what is it that is due Our Father up above?
Every heart beat, every breathe, every bit of your Love.
And that is just the beginning of what Our Father has done
He gave us Christ His only begotten Son.
There is no greater Love that what Our Father did do
To offer His Child as sacrifice for me and you.
Without God’s Love we would be nothing at all
For built into man’s destiny is “The Fall”.
Yet God knew this and still wanted us to be
For He knew a Savior would be born to set us free.
God Himself had to be the offering for the “Lost”
For He alone could endure the sufferings of the “Cross”.
Unless you think you can do these things Our Lord can do
Than absolutely no self respect belongs to you.
So if you want self respect give every bit of it to the Lord
As He is the only One deserving of this reward.
Do not be molded by the world that you see
For evil has crept in and is allowed to be.
The eyes cannot see what the heart does know
For this is where true Love is to grow.
Evil will not allow you to do as you should
For it only knows that which is of no good.
Evil not seen doesn’t make it any less real
Because it can infect the very way you feel.
We were created as God’s children to be
This is what you must teach your eyes to see.
The help to do this is empowered from the Cross
For that is where God stands to receive the loss.
But evil will not bring you to this Hollow ground
For it knows that is where your salvation is found.
If you want to see evil pick up and flee
Surrender to God upon bended knee.
To build upon a foundation that is as solid as a Rock
You must humbly ask Christ to return you to the flock.
Thank You Lord Jesus for going all the way to the Cross
I now know You did this so my salvation would not be lost.
God knew this would have to be the price to pay
For the redemption of fallen man could be no other way.
I want to thank you for paying the price of my sin
For without Your Love and Mercy no new life could begin.
Because of Your unselfish act to die instead of me
I understand now what true Love is to be.
Only true Love would willingly be the sacrifice for one and all
To atone for the sins of man’s original fall.
I can cast no stones at Adam this is true
For I am a sinner in need of Your offer too.
Please forgive all my actions that have caused You such pain
It is in Your Love now I will remain.
Your life giving blood has washed me clean
So now by Our Father I too may be seen.
Thanks is an inappropriate, but it is all I know to say
For all You went through to show me the way.
Thank You God for giving Jesus to us
We need to learn to live in His Love and trust.
Thank You Lord Jesus for coming to correct our flaws
You knew we would need to live by Your set of Laws.
The commandments You gave us were for our own good
To direct and guide us to live life as we should.
If God had left us here all alone on our own
We would have no knowledge of how we are to atone.
Christ You have given us everything, Your all
So we can have redemption from man’s Original fall.
Your death means life for us
It will return us to Our Father’s trust.
In Your resurrection from an earthen grave
Is our guarantee that Your children You shall save.
You have created a Door for us to walk through
So we can experience a Love that is forever True.
My Lord Your sacrifice was not in vain
For now in my heart You will always remain.
And for all the things that You did do
I can only humbly say, “THANK YOU” .
The Answered Prayer Request
For all who have sort prayers from me
These are the words I want you to see.
When I pray I Pray to God above
For you to be connected into His Love.
I Pray through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ Lord
That His redemptive works will be your reward.
For He came to this world to set you free
As He knew of the pain and sufferings here would be.
It is from the ‘Words’ of Christ that I will adhere
That when two or more are gathered “I am Here”.
It is in the Presents of the Holy Spirit I do raise you up
To drink of the Body and Blood from Christ’s own cup.
For this is the power Christ has given to me
To raise my Prayers before my Father to see.
As when God Almighty does hear my Prayer
It will be in His Hands I do place your care.
To not receive Christ’s Love is such a shame
In that you only have yourself to blame.
For Christ has told of how His Love is to be found
Seek, and you will find it does truly abound.
Seek is an activity that requires you to look
Open up and find the truth in the Good Book.
The Bible contains God Word and His story
It is the path to take to find His salvation and Glory.
Once you embark and walk in His Light
You will see that His Way is always right.
The Truth found in the Bible will set you free
To live with the Love God created you to be.
So if you want to abandon that what causes you strife
Learn that Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Life.
With this lesson learned your life will be elevated to higher
The Author of the Bible guarantees that this will be found.
The Bible is a testimony of what you need to do
So read the pages wisely and His Love will come through.
If you desire to see the beauty within
You must cast your eyes away from sin.
For sin takes away your God given sight
Causing a shadow to form over His Light.
When your vision is not perfectly clear
You lose God’s Presents as being near.
When God is not the first thing you see
Beauty becomes a part of history.
You will only be able to see as mortal man
Lose your connection that was in God’s original plan.
To restore the Beauty that belongs to you
Repent from the sins you have brought into view.
Seek forgiveness with an open and humble heart
For this will allow God’s Love to restart.
Return to God’s Love and you will be able to see
The Beauty from which you were created to be.
When God’s Love does penetrate into your eyes
You will never again fall captive to any of sins lies.
God possess all the Beauty that could be
And from this Beauty He created you and me...
You are not bound by the world you see
For in your heart is the power to be set free.
The Power lies not in what You can say or you can do
But in trusting in every Word Christ has said to be true.
In His Truth there is strength to be wise
It can remove sins veil that is before your very eyes.
When in Christ’ Name you learn to repent
You will receive the blessing that are Heaven sent.
For what Christ wants for you to see clearly
Is to know how much He loves you so dearly.
He sacrificed Himself upon an earthen cross
So that you His precious child would not be lost.
For His sacrifice not to be in vain
With sin you cannot remain.
Once freed from the grips of sin
A new life for you will begin.
Then your eyes will look through Love
And be a part of the Blessings from Above.
The Christian poet has but one only goal
And that is to touch the reader’s very soul.
To do this requires very little effort on our part
For all we do is express the message in our heart.
Christ has placed the ‘Words’ in us to share
To show the world how much He really cares.
His caring heart has touched our writing hand
The Words that follow are our gift to man.
When you read these words please try to see
It is God’s Love here that is given to me.
To keep this Love I have found a way how
I must give It to who is reading It now.
For this to transpire and for it to be
You must seek Christ here and not of me.
The Christian poet is of only mere mortal man
But one who has found their way into God’s plan.
These are now the words I have to share with you
Seek your God and He will tell you His plan for you too.
Please Father do not quit sending Your Mercy this way
No matter how far Your people do stray.
We are all fallen children of Adam's mistake
We too have made the same mistake Adam did make.
We do not seek Your advice on all that we do
That is why we don't understand what is true.
Your Love is all we should want to posses
In Its Truth and Beauty we all are bless
So unite us once again to the Love You have for us
And at this time allow us to regain Your Trust.
Our fallen nature must give away
To every Word Christ came here to say.
When we learn to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord
Your Love, Your Blessing will become our reward.
And from this place may we never stray
Until we meet You again on our judgment day.
For once Paradise is again found
In Your Love we will all be bound.
This is the proper and fitting end to mortal man
To be once again united into Your Divine Plan...
When we touch the forbidden fruit on our hand will remain
An unclean, unholy and unforgiving stain.
Without outside help it cannot be removed
We will find out situation will never improve.
This is a mark that only God can see
If not removed we will carry it for all eternity.
God knew our human nature would lead us to a fall
That is why he sent Christ here to rescue us all.
Christ shed His blood on the cross to wash us clean
So that by Our Holy Father this mark would not be seen.
Christ did it all so our sins could be forgiven
But what He left up to us is the life we will be living.
Free will must carry us to the foot of the cross
And there Christ’s shed blood our sins He will wash.
For this is Christ’s glory and ultimate goal
To cleanse and Beautify our immortal soul.